
Nice fishing week end at Bolgoda Lake !!!

Last week-end, I was guiding Maeda san and Ito san, 2 Japanese anglers who work in India and have planned to come fishing at Bolgoda Lake to caught Barramundi, mangrove jack and featherback.

With the unusual rains last week of January and first week of February, fishing at Bolgoda was a bit tough due to some murky water, but we always manage to put our clients on some fish.

Hopefully for our two Japanese last week end was the first day without rain and slowly water was getting better.

Saturday morning, we try to catch some featherback, but without success, Maeda san had a nice bite but was not connected to the fish, it's only in the afternoon session we start to found some activity and Ito san caught a Barramundi and a Featherback.

Sunday, water color was much better. The morning the guys have fun with some nice mangrove jack.

Just before lunch Maeda caught his first barramundi and just after he released his fish, Ito san caught also one nice barramundi. Few minutes later, on the same spot Maeda san lost another decent barramundi. The afternoon was more tough has the current was going slower as the fish activity.

For their first fishing trip at Bolgoda Lake our 2 Japanese anglers enjoy the place, so relaxing compare to the crazy New Delhi mega city where they work in India. Definitely, they will come back at Bolgoda Lake and I have the feeling Maeda san as a GT angler will come back also to cast some big popper next time.

Guys, thanks to come fishing with us in Sri Lanka, really nice to meeting you and I am waiting to see you again soon.

Tight Lines

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

British angler caught a decent barramundi at Bolgoda Lake

Brian and his wife are from UK and they love coming in Sri Lanka for their holidays. Brian is a fanatic angler and was desparated to not found a serious sportfishing charter, till he discover our website and the catch of our customers. They booked a day fishing at Bolgoda beginning of January.

Despite plenty of baits, fish activity was slow the morning. After a nice lunch at the Villa, we reach one of our good spot and I was expecting some good catch as Brian wanted to catch a barramundi. It's at the end of the day he caught a nice fish who gave him an epic fight.

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Congratulation Brian for this catch and to don't give up to cast, you deserve this barramundi !

I hope to see you next year if you come back again in Sri Lanka. In the meantime I wish you some good fishing in UK.

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

New Year fishing at Bolgoda Lake for Japanese couple.

Around New Year time, Kiyoshi san and his wife have the habit to come fishing at Bolgoda Lake for 3 days.

This year as usual our guide Shaktivel welcomed them and put them on good fishing spots. Despite some unusual tough fishing condition, Shakti has managed to found places with activity and they caught fish every day. Biggest fish of the trip was caught by Kiyoshi san, a beautiful Golden Barramundi, his first fish of 2019 !

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Here are some pictures send by Kioshi san.

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Thanks to gave us your confidence to bring you fishing at Bolgoda lake and we are really waiting to see you again in Sri Lanka. Maybe next time for GT's

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Nice fishing day at Bolgoda guided by Shakti

Darren and his family were traveling in Sri Lanka for Christmas holidays. Darren and his son love fishing and had planned a day fishing at Bolgoda with us. As I was guiding clients at sea, they were guided by Shaktivel, who's put them on the good spots and caught fish. Here is the kind word of Darren of his fishing day. We cannot expect better than that.

"Hi Nicolas. Just got back home after the most wonderful family holiday. What a fantastic country Sri Lanka is, and the people who are so lovely.

We had a great day with Shakti on Bolgoda lake. He did a great job and took us to some areas full of fish. Featherbacks mainly topping everywhere but we didn’t feel like they were feeding. My son Daniel hooked a good one but lost it right at the net. I caught a beautiful barramundi which was my main target and also mangrove jacks. We also saw some great wildlife, birds, monkeys and 1000’s of fruit bats! A great day!

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Many thanks for your help in getting us there, sorry we couldn’t manage to sort a day for the GT’s. I hope next time. Some amazing fishing to be had in Sri Lanka. Darren"

Thanks Darren and congratulation for this nice barramundi. I hope to see you again in Sri Lanka and next time I will put you on some nice Gt's

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Nice half day fishing with my son Paul

A week ago, I have fished in Bolgoda Lake with my son Paul and one of his classmate for a short afternoon session.

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I have put the boys on some good spots and they have a blast with mangrove jacks. The last 30 minutes of fishing I joined them and I was lucky enough to caught a nice barramundi. Paul was so proud of his dad

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Lure of the day : Rapala Shadow Rap Deep in Fire Tiger Color (now this lure is in Paul's lure box )

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Aussie couple had a blast at Bolgoda

Last week, I have guided Leroy from Shimano Australia and his girlfriend Rose at Bolgoda Lake and they had a great fishing day.

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They had blast with some nice MJ's, Leroy caught also a nice featherback and Rose caught a decent Golden Barramundi, who give her a insane fight on light tackle.

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Another great day fishing in our light tackle heaven : Bolgoda Lake !!!

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Great catches at Bolgoda Lake !!

What a nice fishing day at Bolgoda Lake last week guiding Ryuji san from Dehli.

Total of the catch : 3 barramundi, 1 big featherback, couple of nice mangrove jack and a nice river GT !

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It was nice to met you Ryuji san and I know you will come again soon at Bolgoda Lake for another great fishing day

Tight Lines

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Wet fishing day at Bolgoda Lake

Few days before the sea fishing trip with our VIP Japanese anglers, I have guided Stefan and his girlfriend Hindra for a day fishing at Bolgoda Lake.

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Despite the horrible weather condition due to some unusual rain at this time of the season, they had a great day fishing.

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Stefan caught 2 featherback and Hindra a nice barramundi after she loose a big one in the morning.

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Wet day but mission accomplished !

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

French dad and son had a nice day fishing at Bolgoda !!

I have recently guided Jean Pierre and his son Bastien from France for a day fishing at Bolgoda, and they had a good one.

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Morning they had an insane action with Mangrove Jack in the 40 cm range for a total of 9 fish caught, plus some fish missed. Just before lunch we tried some Barramundi spots but without success. Afternoon barramundi were more active and Bastien caught 2 nice wild golden barramundi.

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Jean Pierre his father who had good time with the Mangrove Jack in the morning, try is best to catch also a Barramundi but after he missed a nice featherback, he gave up and just enjoyed watching his son had fun. Bastien finished the day with a nice featherback.

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Another nice fishing day at Bolgoda Lake !!!

Tight Line

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Hiro & Miyazaki san back to fish in Bolgoda Lake !!!

After their last successful fishing trip, Hiro san and Myazaki san came back to Bolgoda Lake and as usual they had a good fishing day.

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Morning was a bit slow, they missed a couple of fish as ladyfish and a featherback for Myazaki san. After a nice lunch at the Villa, they had a very good evening session with 2 nice wild golden barramundi around 70 cm, a featherback for Hiro san and a couple of small mangrove jack.

Another great fishing day for our expat japanese anglers.

Nico - Head Fishing Guide