Big GT

3rd Big GT of the season for Japanese angler !!!

Still late with the fishing report, but here an highlight picture of a big GT caught by one of our regular japanese angler during a 3 days popping and jigging trip, beginning of the month.

Stay tuned full report coming soon !!!

Tight Line

Capt. Nico

Nasty GT !!!

Sometimes anglers are not expecting our GT’s to be so nasty. They can pull hard !!!

Very late with the fishing reports, as I am very busy guiding clients these days. Reports will come soon, but in the meantime, here is a short video where a big GT mistreats an angler during the last week fishing trip. Look how the GT pull him. With too much adrenaline and excitement, at the end he sadly lost the fish.

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico

Successful GT popping day charter

Few days after the trip with the Japanese, I have a popping day charter with Alex from France and Sergii from Ukraine, both of them were traveling in Sri Lanka for holidays and who planned a day fishing to target GT's on popper.

I met the guys at the harbour, Alex had already experienced Gt fishing in Andaman Island some years ago and it was the first time for Sergii. I spent a couple of minute to give good advice to the guys to put them in the best situation to catch a GT. We start the day in some of good spots, but as I don't see any good activity, I decide to try some others spots I don't fish often but I know they can produce good fish. On the first spot Alex have a nice bite, the GT bust his popper 3 times but Alex don't set the hook properly and miss the fish. On the second spot Alex invite me to join them and end of the drift I also missed a GT as I was not focus on my lure (beginner mistake...) On the other spot, I missed another one very close to the boat (not my day...) and Alex caught a decent fish who gave him an epic fight on his light tackle (PE 5).

Sergii was not feeling so well with the sun heat and start to have an headache, certainly due to beginning of a dehydration, I advice him to take a rest and to drink a lot of water and I gave him some rehydration powder to help. Despite his headache, Sergii keep casting and his efforts were rewarded by a big GT who grab his popper. As Sergii told us, he was definitely not ready for that fish as this GT fight so hard, but all in all Sergii found some enough stamina to landed the fish. Congratulations Sergii !!! You deserve that fish.

As Sergii was not feeling better we decide to finish the day with a bit of trolling with the hope to catch a nice king mackerel or a sailfish as the sea conditions were good, but sadly fish were not keen to play with us. Never mind, as the target of the day was to catch some Gt's and mission was accomplished with a big bonus fish for Sergii.

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico

They talk about us in Japan !!!

Here is our first news of the year and it's for our japanese anglers : this is the last cover of the japanese magazine Salt World, where you can read a nice article about fishing with us in Sri Lanka for popping & jigging.

Thanks to the chef editor Moto san for this article with beautiful pictures.

Salt World magazine Sri Lanka.jpg

We were very busy guiding clients all these last days and we are late with our fishing reports, but that will come soon.

Stay tuned

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico

Great Popping & Jigging fishing day !!!

Ollie & Gary from UK have decided to spend Christmas in the sunny Sri Lanka and booked some days fishing with us. The 20th December was their first day fishing and they have great day.

First fish of the day was caught by Gary. This fish came on the surface as a bullet, smashed the Cubera 150 and gone in an amazing rush. At the beginning, we though of a big GT but the way the fish fought was definitely not the same as a GT. I was thinking at a very big King Mackerel as we were fishing on a reef of 15 meters depth and only 1 nautical mile from the harbour. But it's finally an absolute unexpected Long Tail Tuna who came a long side the boat. Last April, I have spotted some nice tunas near that reef, but we never have the opportunity to catch one. Congratulations to Gary for this insane catch !!!

We continued to fish some popping spots, Ollie has a bite but missed the GT. On the other spots, despite lot of baits around, the activity was slow and I decided to reach the drop off to do some jigging. Ollie and Gary don't have any bite on the first drift, but on the third drift Ollie had a serious bite. Nothing fast, but an heavy and powerful fish going slowly but surely. He intensively fought this heavy fish for 30 minutes before the line broke.

After this, I decided to troll a bit on the way back to the popping spots and give a bit of rest to Ollie and Gary. Few nautical miles before to reach the popping spots I spotted some birds turning around an area and we have a double strike of wahoo they landed.

These fish woke up the guys and they were ready to pop again. First spots were empty, then we move to the spots we fished the morning where I have spotted baits. After a while Gary took a rest due to some pain in his shoulder and offer me the opportunity to do some cast. On the second cast I missed a nice fish and on the third cast my Hammer Head E-Cup was smashed by a decent fish. After an epic fight as no captain driving the boat I finally managed to landed a big GT.

After that fish Ollie, but especially Gary were motivated to cast. Gary has a bite of king mackerel, but sadly the fish missed the lure. After that, Ollie hooked a GT but the fish came off just before to land it. End of the day Ollie has another GT bite, but missed the fish.

All in all it was a great day fishing with two really nice fish landed and the uk guys are ready for the next round, which is in a couple of days. Stay tuned for the next report.

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico

First fishing trip of the season with great Japanese anglers

I had our first sea fishing trip of the season on our new boat Diviya and fishing was good !!!

Just finished a nice trip with in guest star Japanese angler Sano san, field tester for SOM and CB one, who caught this nice dogtooth tuna on jig.

Sri Lanka fishing jigging.jpg

Otsuka san, CEO of Studio Ocean Mark was also part of the trip and he was lucky to caught the biggest GT of the trip, an estimated over 30 kg fish also caught on jig.

Deep Jigging Sri Lanka.jpg

This fishing trip will be publish in the famous Japanese magazine Salt World.

Salt World Magazine Japan .jpg

We had also some good action on popping, stay tuned the full report will come soon.

Tight Lines

Capt. Nico

Great popping & jigging trip for the Jerry's

Middle April we have received the Jerry's for their second fishing trip in Lanka. This time, they wanted to focus catching GT's on topwater, plus doing a bit of jigging and finish their trip by some days fishing at Bolgoda Lake for Barramundi.

Big GT Sri Lanka Popping Sportfishing Lanka .jpg

The guys were much better equipped compare to their last trip. This time, they came with proper rods and reels, and good lures for targeting Gt's. We started the trip with some really good action and they caught some nice Gt's.

GT Popping Sri Lanka SPortfishing Lanka.jpg

Everybody caught his PB fish and "small Jerry" caught a cracking GT. Big Jerry also have a good GT in the 25 kg range on a PE 4 rod and a stickbait. Chugger popper made the trip as Cubera 150 or the usual Hammer Head E-cup. The last day a bit tired they let me join then and I caught a big GT.

Jigging was a bit slow during this trip in term of number of fish but the guys hooked some serious fish, like the unstoppable one who striped all the line, or the other one who fight for 45 minutes before big Jerry broke his rod and then the line. Small Jerry caught also a nice Shark and some groupers.

One day on the drop off we saw some big yellowfin tuna jumping and eating tiny red fish, we have a try but the tunas were focus on these small bait. A afternoon we go to found them, but without success despite some big school of spinner dolphin and pilot whales in the area.

They also did a bit of light jigging and ave lot of fun catching so different species and small Jerry caught a baby Napoleon Wrass just out of Colombo city on one our good spots.
All in all, it was a really good trip, the guys learned a lot during that trip, they enjoyed my sarcastic jokes and we have so much fun.

The last day we have a go at Bolgoda Lake and they caught some Barramundi and Mangrove Jack.

Guys thanks to come fishing with us and I know we will see you soon for another memorable fishing trip in Lanka !

Tight Line
Capt. Nico