Spotted Featherback

Fly fishing at Bolgoda Lake with Umpqa USA angler

Every season, I have the pleasure to guide Dave from Umpqa company for a fly fishing day. At the beginning, we have planned to have a go at sea, but sadly this day was too windy to fly fish. Then we decided to have a go at Bolgoda Lake.

Morning was quite slow, Dave caught only an oxeye tarpon.

In the afternoon the fish were more keen to play with Dave. After catching a small mangrove jack, Dave focus of catching a featherback on fly as they were well active in the evening time. After he dropped one on the first jump, he finally caught a nice one.

Dave was so happy, to tick one of the fish he had in his bucket list.

Congratulations Dave !!!

I know I will see you next season for another fly fishing day.

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Aussie couple had a blast at Bolgoda

Last week, I have guided Leroy from Shimano Australia and his girlfriend Rose at Bolgoda Lake and they had a great fishing day.

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They had blast with some nice MJ's, Leroy caught also a nice featherback and Rose caught a decent Golden Barramundi, who give her a insane fight on light tackle.

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Another great day fishing in our light tackle heaven : Bolgoda Lake !!!

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Great catches at Bolgoda Lake !!

What a nice fishing day at Bolgoda Lake last week guiding Ryuji san from Dehli.

Total of the catch : 3 barramundi, 1 big featherback, couple of nice mangrove jack and a nice river GT !

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It was nice to met you Ryuji san and I know you will come again soon at Bolgoda Lake for another great fishing day

Tight Lines

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Wet fishing day at Bolgoda Lake

Few days before the sea fishing trip with our VIP Japanese anglers, I have guided Stefan and his girlfriend Hindra for a day fishing at Bolgoda Lake.

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Despite the horrible weather condition due to some unusual rain at this time of the season, they had a great day fishing.

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Stefan caught 2 featherback and Hindra a nice barramundi after she loose a big one in the morning.

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Wet day but mission accomplished !

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

French dad and son had a nice day fishing at Bolgoda !!

I have recently guided Jean Pierre and his son Bastien from France for a day fishing at Bolgoda, and they had a good one.

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Morning they had an insane action with Mangrove Jack in the 40 cm range for a total of 9 fish caught, plus some fish missed. Just before lunch we tried some Barramundi spots but without success. Afternoon barramundi were more active and Bastien caught 2 nice wild golden barramundi.

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Jean Pierre his father who had good time with the Mangrove Jack in the morning, try is best to catch also a Barramundi but after he missed a nice featherback, he gave up and just enjoyed watching his son had fun. Bastien finished the day with a nice featherback.

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Another nice fishing day at Bolgoda Lake !!!

Tight Line

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Hiro & Miyazaki san back to fish in Bolgoda Lake !!!

After their last successful fishing trip, Hiro san and Myazaki san came back to Bolgoda Lake and as usual they had a good fishing day.

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Morning was a bit slow, they missed a couple of fish as ladyfish and a featherback for Myazaki san. After a nice lunch at the Villa, they had a very good evening session with 2 nice wild golden barramundi around 70 cm, a featherback for Hiro san and a couple of small mangrove jack.

Another great fishing day for our expat japanese anglers.

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Fun fishing day at Bolgoda

Last week-end Pershy from Awesome Foursome group have a great time fishing at Bolgoda Lake with our Guide Shaktivel.

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"It was a fun full day in the best way to spend our Sunday at Bolgoda. We had a good day in the water with a catch of 2 Barramundi, 1 featherback and 2 Mangrove Jacks which was caught by casting lures and all the fish was successfully released back into the water.”

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“A big thank you to Sportfishing Lanka and Boatman Sathivel for job well done"

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Congratulations Pershy see you soon

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Fishing day at Bolgoda Lake with Japanese angler

Last week we have received Hayano san from Japan for a day charter at Bolgoda.

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He had a nice day and caught some nice Mangrove Jack during the morning session and the afternoon he lost a big Barramundi and caught a featherback.

It was nice to meet you Hayano san. Hope to see you again at Bolgoda Lake and take your revenge with the Barramundi ;-)

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

A nice day fishing with friends at Bolgoda Lake

Going fishing at Bolgoda Lake with some buddies like Pershy and Damith, this is the way every Saturday should be spend !

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Here some pictures of our catches, Pershy was the man of the day with 2 barra, Damith was unlucky this day (for once) and caught a ladyfish. My day was not bad with some decent mangroves jacks and 2 featherback.

Guys, I enjoyed my fishing day with you as usual and can't wait for the next one.

Nico - Head Fishing Guide

Great fishing days at Bolgoda Lake with Japanese anglers : Yuzo san & Satoru san. 

 Satoru san fished with us last January and caught some nice Mangrove Jack, but he was unlucky with the Barramundi. But on the first day of this trip, he caught the first barramundi ! Good start !

A bit later and after they caught some mangrove jack, Yuzo san had a serious barramundi bite. The fish goes in long and powerful run, a bit scared Yuzo put some pressure on the spool with his thumb and lost the fish. His lure came back with a hook less and a strong split ring completely open... A serious fish for sure.

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In the afternoon, he miss 2 nice golden barramundi, fortunately for him, he caught a juvenile GT and a featherback in the evening.

Second day, on the morning session Yuzo caught another Featherback and Saturo a baby barramundi, plus some usual mangrove jack. Just before lunch Satoru caught a nice barramundi.

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On the afternoon session, finally Yuzo san caught a wild golden barramundi. We try also for featherback, but they don't seems very active, then on the last hour before back to the Villa we fished some good spots for barramundi and Satoru san hooked a big wild golden barramundi. Fish was strong, he came twice a long the boat and we saw a very big fish. After a bit of stress during the battle, I finally put the fish in the landing net and it's an absolute beast which is on the boat deck. This wild Golden Barramundi was stubby, his lenght was 89 cm for a weight of 22 lb on the Boga Grip. Satoru san was so happy and I saw his hands were shaking as the one of a kid who caught his first fish. Such a long time I haven't seen this kind of emotion from an angler and I was also so happy for him.

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Last day the morning session was a bit tough due to some windy condition, but we manage to catch some mangrove jack, tarpon and lady fish. The afternoon, on the first spot Yuzo san caught a nice wild golden barramundi.

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After that some serious lightning were coming fast, then we decide to end the fishing day and the trip. 
It was a really nice trip, the guys enjoyed a lot to fish Bolgoda Lake and promised me to come back soon with friends. See you soon then.

Nico-Head Fishing Guide